Using Elasticsearch to help monitor Docker containers


Jul 26, 2016, 10:00 PM – Jul 27, 2016, 12:00 AM


About this event

Hi Everyone,

Our next meetup is set for July 26th. and the topic will be "Using Elasticsearch to help monitor Docker containers".  Looking forward to seeing everyone again!

We'll be hearing from one of our community members, Ray Elenteny.  Docker and Elasticsearch are two of the hottest technologies.  Most often, when Elasticsearch and Docker are part of the same discussion, the topic focuses on running Elasticsearch as a Docker container.  This session will explore these two technologies in a manner that's a bit outside this typical Elasticsearch and Docker discussion and look at how Elasticsearch combined with Beats can be used to assist in monitoring and reporting Docker container activity.

Through examples and demonstrations, the presentation will walk through the configuration of an example Docker multi-container application with each container and Docker host reporting statistics to Elasticsearch via Beats.  Areas of discussion include:

1. A quick introduction to Docker; how to get and install it

2. Review of the Beats used to monitor a Docker container

3. Introducing Dockerfiles and how Docker images are built

4. Running a process in a Docker container and have statistics reported by the Beats to Elasticsearch

5. Introduce Docker Compose to build a multi-container application with each container reporting statistics to Elasticsearch

6. Discuss the configuration of Elasticsearch, Kibana and Beats as it relates to the Docker hosts and containers

If you know little about Docker or Elasticsearch, don't hesitate to join the group for this interesting discussion.  You'll be certain to walk away with enough samples and information to give it a try.  If you're very comfortable with these technologies, sharing your insights, experiences and guidance will benefit the entire group.



July 26 – 27, 2016
10:00 PM – 12:00 AM UTC


  • Raji Sankaran

    Community Organizer

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