Elasticsearch ATL Meetup


May 20, 2014, 10:30 PM – May 21, 2014, 1:30 AM


About this event

Meeting Agenda: 

6:30 PM - Doors open.

6:30 - 7:00 PM - Refreshments and enjoying each other's company.

7:00 - 8:00 PM - Talks

8:00 - 8:30 PM - More refreshments and networking.

8:30 - 9:00 PM - Wrap up.

Speaker Bios:

Rashid Khan 

Rashid is an operations engineer turned software developer at Elasticsearch. After 10 years in operations, with a brief detour into the Peace Corps, he penned the first version of Kibana. Originally conceived as a performant web interface to Logstash data, Kibana now serves as an analysis and dash-boarding platform for Elasticsearch. Rashid has been known to hide his laptop from himself to make time for fine food, cheap wine and ill conceived automotive maintenance endeavors.

Drew Raines 

Drew is a sysadmin-turned-programmer based in Nashville, TN, USA, who is quickly having trouble remembering life before Elasticsearch.

Talk information:

Aggregations and Kibana: Rashid Khan, Elasticsearch Inc.

Rashid will talk about facets, their features and failings and why aggregations are the future. He will introduce The idea of data dimensions and how that is exposed in Kibana. Lastly Rashid will demo a simple aggregation visualization builder that he threw together to try out some new concepts for kibana. 

Improving Elasticsearch resiliency: Drew Raines, Elasticsearch Inc.

As Elasticsearch clusters grow larger, their resilience to hardware and network failure becomes increasingly important. We'll discuss ongoing efforts to improve Elasticsearch with respect to robustness and resiliency in the face of hardware and software failures. The talk will cover what has been done so far and what the Elasticsearch team is planning to do to alleviate potentially serious issues such as split brain and running out of memory on complex requests. 

Facilities Information:

Manheim has graciously agreed to host our first meetup. Many thanks to them for providing space and taking care of us!

Map link to the facility: http://goo.gl/maps/lQyUB

Guests will need to obtain a visitor badge from security at building reception upon arrival. No NDA is required to access the facilities.

The space can seat 30 people, but you will notice we have 40 spaces total available. This accounts for the fact that some folks will not be able to make it. If you are discover you won't be able to join us, please update your RSVP ASAP so we can have an accurate headcount. (And apologies in advance if we have a full house and a few folks need to stand during the festivities.)

Guests will be able to connect to the guest wifi network. Details will be provided on-site.

The facility is fully accessible for persons with disabilities. 

Transportation Information:

Guests can park in the garage adjacent to the building. For those taking public transit, take the Sandy Springs exit from the Marta.



May 20 – 21, 2014
10:30 PM – 1:30 AM UTC


  • Raji Sankaran

    Community Organizer

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