Extend and Learn - Elastic{ON} 2018 recap and advanced dashboarding with Kibana

Silicon Valley

Mar 29, 2018, 1:00 – 4:00 AM


About this event

Missed Elastic{on} 2018? We will give you a quick tour. Come and see the highlights of our user conference.

Speaker: Andrew Seldon

How do we analyze and explore real world data with time and space components? In this session, we will show you how using the Elastic Stack. You will learn how to ingest tabular data using Logstash or Filebeat, set up Kibana to query and explore the data, and use Kibana visualizations and dashboards to make meaningful presentations. We'll also use X-Pack to enhance the default capabilities of the stack, by generating reports, detect anomalies in the data, and by securing enterprise deployments.

Speaker: Rashmi Kulkarni

Already storing logs and system metrics in Elasticsearch? Add application metrics to Elasticsearch with Elastic APM! We will demonstrate how we can use APM + logs + metrics to troubleshoot application issues.

Speaker: Sherry Ger



Thursday, March 29, 2018
1:00 AM – 4:00 AM UTC

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