Elastic Meetup with Tubular Labs & Elastic{ON} Recap

Silicon Valley

Apr 7, 2017, 1:00 – 4:00 AM


About this event

Join us for our first meetup after Elastic{ON} 2017, we'll have two talks for the night starting at 6:30pm –– doors will open at 6pm. We'll have food, beverages, and good conversation! 


And while you're at it... Come learn how Tubular Labs analyzes billions of engagements to provide real-time audience insights with Elasticsearch.

Tubular Labs ingests billions of user interactions with online video content (likes, comments, shares, etc.) from all major video platforms, and uses that data to power various types of audience analysis.  We'll present how we leveraged Elasticsearch's powerful query language, augmented with the graph API from X-Pack, to breathe new life into one of our core products that shows what other channels or videos audience members also watch, given a set of seed channels or videos.  By constructing a schema tailored to let Elasticsearch do the heavy lifting, we are able to support a rich query paradigm with dynamic filters (that might target a particular time range or specific demographic), and surface thousands of results within seconds, providing with each result a variety of core metrics like overlap percentage, affinity index and audience size comparisons.  That this data resides in Elasticsearch also enables us to trivially construct visualizations in Kibana, which give us deeper out-of-the-box insight than would other storage options.

Scott Strickland spent almost 10 years engineering at Advertising.com, building out distributed optimization & adserving platforms prior to joining Tubular Labs in March of 2016.  This move represented a fundamental shift in paradigm towards more of a data-centric role, and as such he is an expert in neither data science nor Elasticsearch (though maybe that is a testament to the technology).  Scott is a C++ developer at heart, but finds himself working mostly with Python these days, and is somewhat concerned about losing his touch with template metaprogramming, or that C++17 will finally be released without him noticing.  He’s a fan of and enjoys playing music, baseball, and (on occasion) video games, and is happy to have a beer with you and talk about stuff.

Elastic{ON} 2017 Recap + Announcements 

Bohyun Kim, Senior Project Manager at Elastic will be sharing all the latest and greatest from Elastic{ON} 2017 -- our largest gathering of users. 

Check out the agenda + video recordings and bring all your questions about the Elastic Stack. 

Bohyun Kim  is a Sr. Product Manager at Elastic. Prior to joining Elastic, she was a product manager at Tamr and a lead software engineer at HPE Vertica where she focused on resource and system management, monitoring and alerting of Vertica Analytic database. Bohyun is passionate about data analytics, machine learning and mentoring young females in the technical field.

Lighting Talk: Miguel Barbosa

Citizen's Audit: using elasticsearch to index billions of nonprofit financial data. Used by reporters, investigators, and regulators to uncover fraud, misbehavior, and charitable opportunities


Final reminder –– our quick (~3min) user group survey is closing on March 31.

This will help guide the topics and schedule of your very own, regional group — and, we’ll share some interesting data from all the groups as a whole. If you complete the survey and choose to provide your personal information, you'll be entered in a drawing for a chance to win 1 of 5 $50 Amazon gift cards or 1 of 15 special edition 5.0 t-shirts.

Filling out this survey does not add you to a mailing list, or connect your personal data to any of the information shared.

Start the survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/elasticSV17



Friday, April 7, 2017
1:00 AM – 4:00 AM UTC

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