Elastic Meetup at Walmart Labs

Silicon Valley

Jul 19, 2017, 1:00 – 4:00 AM


About this event

Attendees will need to sign in and pick up the badge at 860 lobby. Receptionist will help with them with the directions to the room i.e. fireside café which is straight down from the lobby.

Join us for our upcoming meetup! We are changing things up and our meetup will be hosted by Walmart Labs in Sunnyvale. 

Food & beverages will be provided, thanks to Walmart Labs for sponsoring this meetup. 

The schedule for the night is: 

6:00pm - Doors open - enjoy some food and great conversation 

6:30pm - Talk 1 by Elastic's Tal Levy on All about Aggregations w/Q&A

7:00pm - Talk 2 by Walmart Labs' Pallavi Phadnis and Abilash Amarthaluri on Elastic Stack for Catalog Content @WalmartLabs w/Q&A 

8:00pm - wrap-up and announcements 

All about Aggregations by Tal Levy 

Aggregations are a powerful tool to gain insights into your data, but how do they actually work? In this talk, we will explore: 

1. how aggregations are executed 'under the hood' 

2. what users should be aware of when running aggregations

3.  the limitations of aggregations* some ways to tweak their execution for both performance and accuracy

If we have time we'll also touch on what's coming in 6.0

Tal Levy is an Elasticsearch developer (formally on the Logstash team) based in Mountain View, CA. Tal joined Elastic from Quixey where he worked on data systems built with Kafka and Hadoop. When he is not click-clacking on keyboards, you can find him cycling and climbing.

Elastic Stack for Catalog Content @WalmartLabs

Our Catalog team @WalmartLabs is responsible for building product content repository for millions of products that are sold on walmart.com. We process tens of millions of updates to product data daily received from several sources and the scale continues to grow. One of the core challenges of the catalog team is to process this product data and to be able to slice and dice by many dimensions in near real-time. Content quality of the catalog plays a critical role in driving customer behavior. With growing scale, getting actionable, immediate insights from the product content, ensuring high quality becomes increasingly important yet challenging. Elasticsearch’s capability to store complex data structures and its advanced search and analytics features allow us to build a scalable near real-time platform.

In this talk, we will present about how we are leveraging the Elastic Stack for different use cases of catalog @WalmartLabs.

Pallavi Phadnis is a Senior Software Engineer working on @WalmartLabs Catalog team. At WalmartLabs, she contributes to backend data systems built using Storm, Kafka, Elasticsearch, Cassandra etc. Pallavi earned her Master's degree in Information Technology from Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh in 2010. Prior to WalmartLabs, she has several years of experience building large scale, high-performance batch and real-time processing systems in online advertising domain at eBay and advertising.com.

Abilash Amarthaluri is a Staff Software Engineer @Walmartlabs leading the Catalog Data Quality Platform. He has been involved in building near real-time data pipelines powering item page content on Walmart.com and has a background in big data and analytics leveraging several open source technologies such as SMACK stack, Elasticsearch, Apache Storm etc. Prior to Walmartlabs, he worked at GE on forecasting power output of wind turbines by analyzing the data coming in from GE's Fleet of turbines around the globe. Abilash has a Master’s degree in Computer Science from University of Missouri at Kansas City.

Accessing the meetup venue: 

Attendees will need to sign in and pick up a badge at the 860 lobby. The receptionist will be available to help with the directions to the room, Fireside Café which is straight down from the lobby.



Wednesday, July 19, 2017
1:00 AM – 4:00 AM UTC

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