Deep Dive Into Elastic Stack


Dec 23, 2017, 5:30 – 10:30 AM


About this event

Agenda of this meetup .
1.Introduction of all members and their use cases of elastic stack .
2.Talk and Presentation by Jaiveer Jhala Support Engineer at Elastic .
Outline of the presentation and Bio of Jaiveer Jhala
Support Engineer at Elastic for the past 6 months, prior to joining Elastic he was working for a SIEM company, ArcSight for several years,he loves solving tough problems for customers. Abstract: The talk will be for everybody including people who have no prior experience with Elastic as well as for someone who has used it before. 1). Elastic Overview including brief details on the products offered by Elastic.
2). Elastic Cloud -> What it is, how you can setup your own trial instance and also a live demo.
3). Exciting features for version 6.0
4). Q&A

3.Elasticsearch and it case studies and how can you build applications on top of elastic stack by Utham.

If any one is interested in delivering a talk Kindly message the organiser.

Note:The meetup is free of cost .

Elastic Search Delhi community organizer .

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