Philipp Krenn: Java under the Hood of Elasticsearch


Feb 15, 2023, 5:00 – 6:30 PM


About this event

RSVP on the Chicago Java User Group's event page -

Elasticsearch is one of the most widely used Java projects out there. While many people know the REST interface and how to use it, this talk takes a look under the hood and picks up some of the more interesting Java topics there:

Why and how Elasticsearch is always bundling the latest JDK with the default binary; also what lessons can be learned from Docker to Java distributions issues.

What Java features is Elasticsearch (not) using; also what are the requirements for building / testing and running.

While the Java Security Manager served Elasticsearch extremely well for Log4Shell and other security issues, what are the next steps after its deprecation to replace it.

Elasticsearch’s Gradle setup is a monster but a powerful one — how does it keep the developers productive and what are the most important changes around performance.



  • 11:50am e-door opens
  • 12:00pm CJUG intro and announcements
  • 12:15pm Featured presentation by Philipp Krenn
  • 1:05pm Q&A
  • 1:20pm Raffle (1 JetBrains license)
  • 1:22pm [Optional] Post-meetup social time
  • 1:30pm Lights out / e-door closes

**e-Door closes when the last participant leaves the event

[Session remains open for up to 15-20 minutes for an optional virtual-drinks and social mingling]

Speaker - Philipp Krenn

A developer 🥑, conference speaker, meetup organizer, podcast guest, book author, and Google Summer of Code participant from Vienna (Austria).

## “xeraa”? #

First things first — what is `xeraa`? If you rotate the letters of my last name `krenn` by 13 places (ROT13), the result is xeraa:


k → x

r → e

e → r

n → a

n → a



I live to demo interesting technology. Having worked as a web, infrastructure, and database engineer for over ten years, I am now working as a developer advocate (🥑) and EMEA team lead at Elastic — the company behind the Elastic Stack consisting of Elasticsearch, Kibana, Beats, and Logstash. I am constantly traveling Europe and beyond to speak and discuss open source software, search, databases, infrastructure, and security.

In case you are wondering what a developer advocate is doing, I would describe it like this: Help users be successful with your software by showing them what is possible and solving problems. Or read my blog post on the topic of What Do You Do as a Developer Advocate at Elastic?


  • Praveen Salitra


    Community Organizer

  • Sri Harsha Datla

    Community Organizer

  • J Coleman


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