Chicago Python User Group (ChiPy) + Elastic November Meetup


Nov 11, 2022, 12:30 – 2:30 AM


About this event

Elastic is sponosring ChiPy's November meetup! Join us on November 10th starting at 6:30 pm at Foxtrot! Registration ends EOD on November 9th -


Event Details:

Thursday, November 10th at 6:30pm



167 N Green Street, Suite 1100

Talk Abstract:

  • Building Machine Learning Apps with Gradio
  • By: Freddy Boulton
  • Experience Level: Novice
  • Length: 25 Minutes


The best way to share machine learning models is through interactive web applications that let stakeholders try the models for themselves. By playing with the model through a graphical interface, stakeholders can develop an intuition for how the model works in a way that would be impossible by analyzing average performance metrics or hand-picked examples.

Building web applications for machine learning requires significant knowledge of web development (css, js) and web hosting which are not in the typical data scientist's tool box.

In this talk, we will introduce a gradio, an open source python library for building and sharing machine learning applications entirely in python.

Talk Abstract:

  • Micropython wiggles a mustache
  • By: Andrew Wingate
  • Experience Level: Novice
  • Length: 20 Minutes


Show off a micropython framework for my mini mustached robot. It's the same robot the I showed the last time, but now it has code and works!

Topics include:

event loop


state machines

synchronous event management

web hosted interface with repl like repl thing

Talk Abstract:

  • Micropython turns on a light
  • By: Carl Karsten
  • Experience Level: Novice
  • Length: 30 Minutes


Last time I talked about Micropython I didn't show any code.

This time I have code:

>>> from machine import Pin

>>> p=Pin("D13", Pin.OUT)

>>> p.value(1)

That turns on an LED. We will talk about what that means, how it happens and the implications of this is the software that makes electronics happen.

There are a few more lines of the same nature: check the state of a switch gives is the I in IO. For extra credit, we will ...



Friday, November 11, 2022
12:30 AM – 2:30 AM UTC


  • Praveen Salitra


    Community Organizer

  • Sri Harsha Datla

    Community Organizer

  • J Coleman


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