What’s new in Elastic, and NLP on Elastic for ISM E8 compliance


Jun 18, 2019, 7:00 – 9:00 AM


About this event

Join us for a meetup in Canberra on June 18th! Learn what's new in Elastic Stack 7.0/7.1, with a live demo of Elastic Uptime.

Dr Alonso Marquez from OpenIntelligence will also demonstrate how ISM Essential 8 compliance data in Elastic Stack can be interrogated using natural language processing.

5.00pm - 5.30pm - Doors open, registration, food and drinks

5.30pm - 6.00pm - What's new in Elastic Stack & Demo of Uptime by Hrvoje Pejcinovic, Solutions Architect, Elastic

6.00pm - 6.30pm - Automatic and continuous compliance of the ISM Essential 8 security strategies on Elastic by Alonso Marquez, OpenIntelligence

This talk will present the new OpenIntelligence Security Compliance application on Elastic that provides automatic and continuous detection of compliance violations of the ISM Essential 8 strategies. These controls have been selected by ASD as the most critical to reduce the risk of cyber-security incidents and are mostly related to human errors.

The very high precision of the alerts generated (no false positives) make possible to take automatic remediation actions reducing the security analyst (alert) fatigue.

This solution has been built using a sophisticated rules compiler that combines logical conditions specific to an ISM control with organisation specific policies to generate a query that could be executed in ElasticSearch.

6.30pm - 7.00pm - Q&A / Mingling

We look forward to meeting all our awesome users again - hope to see you there!



Tuesday, June 18, 2019
7:00 AM – 9:00 AM UTC


  • Jason Hambly

    Canberra Community Organiser

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