Observing and protecting applications with 'Snyk' and 'Elastic'


Nov 11, 2021, 3:00 – 4:30 AM

14 RSVPs

Elastic StackObservabilitySecurity

About this event

Hi, Elastic Fantastics!

Join us in this session, to see how Snyk and Elastic can be used for secure development and runtime of Kubernetes deployments. Pas and Michael will present various use cases showcasing how to enhance your DevSecOps posture utilising Snyk and Elastic, including:

  • Providing visibility into vulnerabilities detected in code deployments as part of a SecDevOps pipeline
  • Identification (and alerting) of security breaches in real-time
  • Threat hunting to enable your Analysts to identify past indicators of compromise and root cause analysis


  • Michael Hyatt


    Principal Solutions Architect

  • Pas Apicella


    Principal Solution Engineer


  • Kawnish Panse


    Community Programs Specialist

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