Multilingual Data & Search: Solving the Common Problems

APJ Virtual Group

Apr 16, 2020, 10:00 – 11:00 AM

68 RSVPs

About this event

This is a virtual meetup occurring at 6:00 PM (Singapore Standard time) (Please use the timezone calculator to find out your local time).

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Multilingual Data & Search: Solving the Common Problems

It’s no secret: multilingual search is hard! Each language is unique. In some languages there is no whitespace between words, in others using the dictionary form of a word is essential to finding more relevant results. Your data can be in one or several languages or even worse, one document can be written in one or more languages. How do you maximize your chances of getting relevant results?

This 35min talk will cover some customer use case and the following challenges:

  • Keyword search in across languages (special emphasis on processing hard languages with examples from Japanese, Chinese, Korean)
  • Semantic search in and across languages
  • Searching for people, organization, locations names in and across languages
  • Available in default Elastic vs with plug-ins (ex: Rosette)



We are planning to run regular online meetups, scheduled in the Asia Pacific time zone. We welcome talks on any aspect of data exploration! If you are keen in presenting, just drop us a note or email us at


  • Jeanne Le Garrec

    Basis Technology

    International Operations Manager

  • Declan Trezise

    Basis Technology

    Director, Pre-Sales Engineering

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