Elastic Virtual Meetup #2: Exploring Stack Overflow data with the Elastic Stack

APJ Virtual Group

Nov 28, 2019, 8:00 – 9:30 AM

156 RSVPs

About this event

This is a virtual meetup occurring at 1.30PM India Standard time / 6.00PM Brisbane Time (Please use the timezone calculator to find out your local time).

�Timezone calculator: https://ela.st/virtualmu2

Please click on the invite link below to register and join!

�️Invite: https://elastic.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_7-ZRNguwTHys38YKV6lgow

We will have a talk by Russ Cam, Principal Software Engineer, followed by an open Q&A session.

⭐Topic: Exploring Stack Overflow data with the Elastic Stack
The Elastic Stack is a suite of products that can take data from any source, in any format, then search, analyze, and visualize it in real time. It's used by thousands of companies worldwide for a multitude of use cases and solutions, including search, analytics, logging, time-series metrics, data exploration, and SIEM.

We'll walk through using the Elastic Stack to analyze the Stack Overflow data set, a data set of questions, answers and users from the popular Stack Overflow Q & A website. Starting with how to model and ingest data into Elasticsearch, we'll then look at different ways to analyze and visualize the data, uncovering insights along the way. Hopefully you'll come away inspired with new ideas for how to slice, dice and analyze your own data.

��‍�Speaker: Russ Cam, Principal Software Engineer, Elastic
Russ Cam is a Principal Software Engineer at Elastic. He has a keen interest in distributed systems, cloud computing and software design, patterns and practices, and enjoys contributing to open source projects, particularly when he has an itch to scratch!

�️�We are planning to run regular online meetups, scheduled in the Asia Pacific time zone. We welcome talks on any aspect of data exploration! If you are keen in presenting, just drop us a note or email us at meetups@elastic.co



Thursday, November 28, 2019
8:00 AM – 9:30 AM UTC

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