What's in Elastic Stack 7.9?

United States and Canada Virtual

Sep 15, 2020, 5:30 – 6:30 PM

52 RSVPs

About this event

Elastic Stack 7.9 introduces major changes to observability, security and data processing. Data collection becomes much easier through tighter integration between different parts of the Stack.

Observability gets a far more convenient way to collect monitoring data. Welcome to the Elastic Agent - a single app which allows you to install and configure Filebeat and Metricbeat from Kibana, no YAML configuration involved. Once you’re collecting metrics, you can also opt to use the Elastic Agent as an anti-malware service, monitoring workstations and servers for threats. To go with all this observability and security data, the new Datastreams feature allows much more convenient management of time-series information.

Come and join us for a full overview of these major new free features, and a few more to boot!


  • Emanuil Tolev


    Community Advocate


  • Olivia Petrie


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