Upgrade Your Attack Model: Stopping Fileless Attacks Using the MITRE Framework

United States and Canada Virtual

Jul 22, 2020, 4:00 – 5:00 PM


About this event

What is a MITRE Framework and how can you use it in the realm of offensive security? Join us to learn these answers and more!

If you're going to set up a defense, you need to know what you're protecting against. You wouldn't build a moat to protect from air attacks! To protect your critical infrastructure, you must understand what your adversaries are doing and MITRE helps us stay on pace with the attackers.

Speaker Bio: Patrick Tierney, Solution Architect from Elastic, has spent 20+ years as an IT Operations Admin within the Cyber Security industry, starting with Internet Security Systems in 1998 and then with Endgame in 2010, which was recently acquired by Elastic. He has recently moved into a sales role to help customers with their security needs.


  • Olivia Petrie


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