Index Lifecycle Management for Existing Clusters

United States and Canada Virtual

Nov 17, 2020, 9:00 – 10:00 PM

27 RSVPs

About this event

So you've built your Elastic Stack, and started ingesting everything including the kitchen sink. Now you've realized that you don't have the capacity to store everything... forever. Answering these questions can help you build a policy to keep your stack running at peak performance.

What is your current storage strategy?

How long is your data relevant?

What should I do with my older data, as it is no longer needed?

In this demonstration, we will attempt to explain, and offer recommendations that you can use as the starting point for your Elastic Stack. We will go over the legacy index management, creating ILM policies, and migrating your old data to ILM.


  • Olivia Petrie


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