How LexisNexis is using Elastic to power their EDDM products

United States and Canada Virtual

Apr 28, 2020, 5:00 – 6:00 PM


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Clint Wolff has worked in the technology industry for 20 years and has a passion for search! He is an Elastic Certified Engineer who is leading the Nexis Solutions search team at LexisNexis. His team is responsible for the search features that power their Media Intelligence and Entity Due Diligence Monitoring products. Prior to LexisNexis, he worked as a Software Engineer at NCR and Teradata.

In this talk, Clint will show how LexisNexis is using Elasticsearch to power their Entity Due Diligence Monitoring (EDDM) products. He will talk about the architecture of their Elasticsearch cluster, content pipeline, and REST API. He will also describe some of the complexities of the EDDM full text search use case and how they solved these challenges using various features of Elasticsearch including synonyms, index prefixes, percolation, and more.


  • Olivia Petrie


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